Jesus, King of All Nations


Jesus said, “This Devotion to Me as ‘Jesus King of All Nations’ is to be a companion devotion to that of My Mercy as given to My beloved daughter, Faustina, and to that of My Sacred Heart as given to My beloved daughter, Margaret Mary.” (Journal 165). In the Image of Jesus King of All Nations we see Him extremely vulnerable, with His arms spread wide and His wounded Sacred Heart exposed pouring His merciful blood and water onto our heart-sick world.

“Jesus King of All Nations” is a title derived from Sacred Scripture. Jesus is referred to as the “ruler of the kings of the earth” (Revelation 1:5), “the King of kings and Lord of lords” (Revelation 19:16) to whom “all nations shall come and worship in (His) presence” (Revelation 15:4) and who shall judge all nations which will be assembled before Him where “He will sit upon His royal throne.” (Matthew 25:31). His kingship is taught in the Encyclical Letter Quas Primas by Pope Pius XI.


Devotional Elements


The Prayers (The Chaplet of Unity; The Novena in Honor of Jesus as True King; Novena of Holy Communions; Consecration to Mary Mediatrix of All Grace; Litany in Honor of Jesus King of All Nations; The Special Blessing)



Jesus, King of All Nations Chaplet of Unity: pdf; Spoken; Sung 


The Promises of Jesus

The Promises of St. Michael the Archangel


The Special Blessing:

The Special Blessing may be passed on by anyone to others in person or at a distance in prayer. If in person, place your hands on the person’s head with your right thumb on his/her forehead. If at a distance, hold your hands over, or in the direction of, the person or group and pray:

May the Reign of Jesus King of All Nations be recognized in your heart;

May the Reign of Jesus King of All Nations be lived in your heart;

May the Reign of Jesus King of All Nations be given through your heart to other hearts;

So that the Reign of Jesus King of All Nations may be lived in every heart all over the world.

I ask this Special Blessing through Our Lady, Mediatrix of All Grace, who as Queen and Mother of All Nations, has obtained it for you as a tremendous grace from the Sacred Heart of her Divine Son, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Make the sign of the cross on the person’s forehead with your thumb, or make the sign of the cross with your hand in his/her direction.