"The Rosary is the book of the blind, where souls see and there enact the greatest drama of love the world has ever known; it is the book of the simple, which initiates them into the mysteries and knowledge more satisfying than the education of other men; it is the book of the aged, whose eyes close upon the shadow of this world, and open on the substance of the next. The power of the Rosary is beyond description." -Archbishop Fulton Sheen
How to pray the Rosary article and video
Meditations on the Rosary by Fr. Dolindo Ruotolo (pdf)
For deeper understanding of the mysteries of the Rosary, check out the Mystics page (link in menu above).
Rosary Meditations (for each bead) from the Holy Bible:
Scriptural Rosary (pdf booklet edited by Mary Elizabeth Woods)
Scriptural Rosary (pdf of a booklet from the Knights of Columbus)
Scriptural Rosary (Source: ALLIANCE OF THE TWO HEARTS Communion of Reparation All Night Vigil Prayer Guide)
Rosary Booklets edited by Mary Elizabeth Woods (free downloads)
(with meditations for each bead):
Two from Message of Merciful Love to Little Souls by Marguerite:
and two more:
Flame of Love Rosary Meditations from the from the diary of Elizabeth Kindelmann
Divine Will Rosary, by Geraldine Ryan (free pdfs)
The Joyful Mysteries
The Luminous Mysteries
The Sorrowful Mysteries
The Glorious Mysteries
Complete Rosary (all 20 mysteries) in the Divine Will (video by cevJMJ)
Gregorian Chant Rosary (YouTube)
Flame of Love Rosary (videos featuring Donna Cori Gibson)
Joyful Mysteries
Sorrowful Mysteries
Luminous Mysteries
Glorious Mysteries
Flame of Love/Divine Will Rosary videos on YouTube (cevJMJ):
In order to pray well, it is not enough to give expression to our petitions by means of that most excellent of all prayers, the Rosary, but we must also pray with real concentration for God listens more to the voice of the heart than that of the mouth." -St. Louis de Montfort
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